25 Years of Beauty and Bliss: A Heartfelt Thank You
On September 10th 1999, the day my first child was born, another great love in my life opened her doors. Reva’s Spa was opened that day under the supervision of Esther O’Gorman and Mary Fitzgerald. Esther, my mother, raised me to believe I could be anything I wanted and Mary taught me the art of never taking ‘No’ for an answer and finding a way to make it work for me. As much as these two women encouraged me to reach for the stars, the grounding force in my life, my father Jim and my husband David, have kept my (financial) feet firmly on the ground. During the years, many family members including my mother Esther who ran the Spa for 15 years, my cousins Amy, Lyndsey and Mary, my daughter Kerry, and my talented sister Nicole, have worked alongside me to raise the standards of the Revas Spa that you know today.
Some might ask what in the name of God made her want to do this 25 years ago. When I was a teenager, I saw a photo of a very famous spa in London. It was a photo of a swing over a beautiful clear blue swimming pool and I thought to myself, I want that! Fast forward over 30 years and I still don’t have the swing, but I now know what it was that I actually wanted. I wanted to create a space that People could enjoy alone or in a group, but something unique that they couldn’t get at home or anywhere else. Have we done that? Well only the customers can truly answer that question.
With over 40 staff, the Revas Spa family is now under the watchful eye of Rebecca White along with her management team. Rebecca has spent the last (almost 20 years) listening to my crazy ideas and usually makes them happen. Her attention to detail and desire to offer exceptional customer service is mirrored in her management team comprising of Lisa Mulvihill (13 yrs.) our hair salon manager, Danielle McDonagh (17 yrs.), Ciara Moloney (11 yrs.), and Serena Murphy( 6 yrs.), our Spa Managers, all of whom have worked with clients and staff to deliver the ethos of the spa and both the customer and staff journey every day. I also want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Marie Caulfield for her outstanding dedication and over 20 years of service at Revas Spa. We wish her a wonderful retirement, which she began in December 2023.
Over the last 25 years staff have come and go. Some stayed, and some moved on, but whether they made Revas their home or a stepping stone in the careers, each and every staff member has shaped and molded our client journey – a journey that is always evolving with the staff members desire to offer impeccable service, and the customers expectation of a wonderful experience.
The customers, have always been at the center of the Revas journey, challenging us to alter our thinking to make the spa experience enjoyable and dependable (with maybe a few wows along the way). Some of you are new to the spa, but for more of you, your journey with us began years ago (25 yrs. for some of you). For our new clients, we thank you for choosing us and we hope that we continue to exceed your expectations in the service that we offer. For those of you that have chosen us for many years, it is because of you that Revas has evolved. You are why we want to do better every day, you are the reason we win awards, and you are the reason we do what we do!
25 years is a long time and I have experienced a lot of change with more to come, I’m sure. I’ve spoken a lot about our journey because that’s what the last 25 years have been about. Revas was never really about arriving at some place that I could say “ I’ve enough done.”. It was always about the “Climb”. So, whether you have just started your journey with us or you’re a more seasoned campaigner, you are welcome and we look forward to taking care of you while you spend time with us.
To anybody who has been offered an opportunity and feels that you’re not ready, the secret nobody tells you is, that nobody is ever truly ready. After 25 years (and a few more before that), I sometimes think I’m still not ready, but remember……….Say yes, you can figure it out later.
Thank you to all the people both staff and customers that have brought Revas to celebrating her 25th birthday, my god it has been some journey. I can’t wait to see what’s next!
Thanks a million!
Orla xx
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